Welcome to our community website!

This site is currently under construction! Please be patient as we transition everything over. Until then, please register at this new site for updates. Click register in the upper right corner of this site.


NOTE: No one on the board had access to the old site for around two years. All submissions under the contact us page did not route to any members. We apologize for any frustration this may have caused for those that received no reply. Please feel free to resubmit any questions or concerns you may have now that the site is functional.


This new site allows us to communicate more regularly to all residents by sending emails, sharing board meeting notes, share information on community events and more.




Recent Newsletters


Upcoming Meetings and Other Events


About Hidden Lake HOA


Your homepage is a great place to introduce your community and highlight important information for website visitors to know. You can customize this text in the “Pages” section of the Admin Portal.